Productions Plus Launches Plano Office
Though Productions Plus opened our Plano office earlier this summer, we officially “launched” on Thursday, September 28th with a ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by the Plano Chamber of Commerce. Over 125 people attended the stellar event which was held in the lobby of our building. We toasted our new move to Texas and the opening of the State Fair of Texas with themed Tex-Mex food and cocktails. This was an especially momentous occasion, as Productions Plus has supported The State Fair of Texas with auto show models, automotive productive specialists and brand ambassadors for over 30 years.
Our president, Hedy Popson, was presented a plaque of recognition from Rick Grady, Mayor Pro Tem of Plano, and Ron Schoof, acting ambassador from Plano Chamber of Commerce. We are very appreciative of the support we have received from the Plano business community; especially, the chamber. With help from the Plano Chamber of Commerce, we are looking forward to building strong business relationships with other companies in the area.
Cheers to Texas and our new office!
Thanks to all our fabulous clients and talent who came to celebrate with us.